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Mango Seed

Winona Like Hopkins, KS ’53

Oldies but Goodies Vol I. Kamehameha Schools Alumni Association,
Nā Pua Mae‘ole o Kamehameha Chapter. 1983.


12 medium green Chinese mangoes
½ cup Hawaiian salt
1 pound brown sugar
¼ teaspoon Chinese five spice
¼ teaspoon red food coloring
1 tablespoon thick soy Chinese molasses


Peel and halve mangoes; remove seeds. Rub Hawaiian salt on peeled halves.
Dry in sun for 3 days. (Be sure to bring in after sunset).
Rinse off salt on the fourth day.
Boil in water (enough water to cover mangoes) for 10 minutes. Drain.

Make sauce of 1 lb brown sugar.
Boil slowly until sugar melts.
DO NOT add water; add Chinese five spices, coloring and thick soy Chinese molasses.
Add mangoes, mix well, bottle in sun for several days.


About Mango

*Manakō – Mango; (Mangifera indica), a large, common fruit tree from India. Long, narrow leaves form a dense top, and large ovoid, juicy fruits develop usually between March and October. (Hawaiian Dictionary, 236).